Sydney fishing report
yes its the Bullet Lure still going strong and it takes another
species a Mack Tuna, its now caught well over 150 fish trolling.
Fishing report
Botany Bay turns it on this week, the Bonito have thin out a little but I have caught a few just of Cape Banks trolling and a few Mack Tuna this week and one legal King Fish yes a legal one.
Fishing report
Botany Bay turns it on this week, the Bonito have thin out a little but I have caught a few just of Cape Banks trolling and a few Mack Tuna this week and one legal King Fish yes a legal one.
Bream are about in good numbers around the Sticks both tides producing well.
The Drums are fishing well with Trevally, Kings and the odd Bream.
*Singles day Sunday the 6th is open for a Bay trip.
*Singles day Wednesday the 9th spots open for a Deep sea trip.
*Saturday the 12th is open for a Bay trip or Deep sea trip.
*Saturday the 19th is open for the Bay or Deep sea.
*Office: 95267431 *9526 7431
Regards Scotty Lyons
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