Cool start good fishing
Headed out onto Botany Bay and found that the Trevally feeding well along Trevally Alley had to work for a bit to get them fired up but did well, Good mate pointed out to me at the ramp in the morning that the Bonito have turn up again along the cliffs so we headed out and picked up a few around 9am all caught on the troll.
Back in the Bay spinning with Vibes and plastics we did well a little slow but again the Bushy Devil Vibe worked scoring a good Leather jacket and we also scored a few food Flathead.
*I have spots still open for the fishing school on Monday night the 10th
and day on the water on the 22nd.
*Spots open on the 22nd Botany Bay trip.
*Wednesday the 19th spots open.
*Fathers Day Gift Vouchers now available.
All details and info give me a call.
Regards Scotty Lyons
0148 169 439
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