Bream are worth targeting from now on right across the Bay
Hope all had a top Christmas
Hows the the bloody weather, great for summer but the fishing has been great over the Christmas break so far, Trevally are about in small numbers but most are a good size and Trevally Alley is my pick, we also did well on Bream there today right on the end of the run out tide and just as the tide turned one of the lads scored a nice Jew Fish that sucked in a Pilchard cube, I had a live Slimy Mackerel over the side and fresh Squid strip but it took the Pillie cube, thats fishing.
Bream are also good wide from the 3rd run way on Nippers and Prawns on the run out tide.
Schools of Salmon are moving about the middle of the Bay but are tricky to hook.
Off shore the fishing in close has been a little slow but wide from Coogee in 60 metres we have found Flathead and quite a few good Morwong on the drift.
*Singles day on the 4th and I have four spots open
for Botany Bay Trip.
*Singles Day on the 5th and I have three spots open
for a Botany Bay Trip.
*Singles day Deep sea 8th of Jan spots open.
*Single day Deep sea 10th spots open.
Regards Scotty Lyons
Bookings call 0418 169 439
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