Sydney fishing report
Deep sea weekend and we headed off shore to the north trolling Bonito up and the odd small King Fish, it was a little rough both days and sea sickness took its toll on the boys.
North end of Maroubra beach we did well on Trevally but seas made it tricky.
Flathead are about wide from Yellow rock in 50 metres drifting for best results.
Back in the Bay on Sunday we fished the drums and scored Trevally, Tailor to finish the day.
Back in the Bay on Sunday we fished the drums and scored Trevally, Tailor to finish the day.
*Singles day Deep sea one spot left on the 27th.
*My last fishing school for the year is on the 6th and I have two spots open,
spend three hours at Hunts marine on the 6th 6pm to 9pm and then we head out onto the water on the 11th, you will catch more fish after this school.
*Afternoon trips now on 1pm to 7pm every weekend.
Office: 9526 7431 Mobile: 0418 169 439
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