King fish weekend

Well the fish turn it on in the Bay Saturday proved tough due to the weather as it blew around 20knots all day, dropped three fish early trolling but caught two Squid and a few live baits before tucking in tight at Trevally just out of the wind from the west and the Kings turn it on landing five two about 67cms and the other just fell short but they hit hard and stripped line off the reels, hard to beat.
Found a few Bream lurking along the bottom but no Trevally, we headed toward Brighton and caught a few Trevally in close to end the day.
Sunday turned it on with great weather and top fishing, Trolling early produced well with Bontio, Tailor and nice Kingie that fell to the Bullet lure.
Trevally turned it on at Trevally Alley and the Drums what a day on the water.
*Deep sea trip this Wednesday and Thursday we are heading south again from the Port Hacking river the weather looks spot on with light winds and flat seas forecast, I have a few spots still open on both trips, whos keen.
*Saturday the 28th Singles day one spot left for a Bay trip.
*June the 4th Singles day in the Bay spots open.
Office: 9526 7431 Mobile: 0418 169 439
Regards Scotty Lyons
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