Scotty Fishing Life

For more information on fishing Botany Bay check out

Monday, September 01, 2008


Botany Bay Trevally are fishing well as the love the cooler water that is around in winter and Trevally alley is the spot, Burley is needed and fish as light as you can with small baits.
Trolling of late has produced the odd Tailor but you need to work on them as they are moving about so finding them is the trick. The Third runway is one spot that I have score a few fish.
Spinning with plastic along the edges of the runway is also working well for the odd Flathead.
Luderick are a top species to target in winter and the rock walls along Brighton beach and the Container wall are two spots worth looking at.
Deep Sea is fishing well with Kingies around the Peak in small numbers so live baits are needed but the odd fish is falling to jigs. Dropping baits to the bottom on the Peak is a top chance for Snapper, Mowrong and Pinkies and yes the odd Leatherjacket, Why not jump on board next Sunday for the Kingie trip out to the Peak.
The close reefs are holding good numbers of Trevally, Sweep and Snapper and the odd Kingie.

*Saturday the 6th Botany Bay Trip.
*Sunday the 7th Kingie Trip.
*Saturday 13th Snapper Trip.
To book into one of the above trips just give Scotty a call 0418 169 439
Regards Scotty Lyons