of Tailor Bream and Trevally
Fishing School thats one each month at Hunts Marine.
Well another good weekend of fishing and weather. Out on Botany Bay the Trevally and Tailor turned it on with good numbers of fish each day, Trevally taken on Bait and the Tailor were all caught trolling deep lures in Yarra Bay.
The trevally are in small numbers along the wall at Trevally Alley and along the Oil Wharf, The Drum in the middle seemed little off this weekend, But loads of good size Yellow tail for live bait if you are heading off shore.
Bream are now starting to show and I pick up a few at the Sticks on Nippers, first for this season but from now on they will improve.
Spinning with Plastic is proving worth while with a few nice Flathead wide from Towra and across the middle of the Bay.
Kingies are also starting to show and the odd one has been landed around the head lands and north from the Bay on Squid and Live baits.
Luderick are still on the bite in the rivers but good green weed is needed.
Luderick are still on the bite in the rivers but good green weed is needed.
Nathan headed out on Sunday and fished wide form Yellow Rock for a top bag of Trevally then headed out to the Peak to look for Kingies but the Leatherjacket gave all a hard time but they caught a few and a mixed bag of the bottom and lost a Kingie.
Trolling back towards the Bay they found Stripe Tuna working and scored a few losing one at the boat. So all in all pretty good day off shore.
*Next Saturday the 1st I have one spot for a day out on Botany Bay.
*Next Sunday I have three spots for a Botany Bay trip.
*Fishing School spots open for the 3rd, Night at Hunts Marine
and a full day on the water the following weekend.
*Deep sea trip mid week on the 5th, Head south for the day
targeting Kingies and Snapper.
*Saturday the 8th afternoon trip on Botany Bay 1pm to 7pm.
*New mid week trips 4pm to 9pm Deep Sea Trips.
Fish after work Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.
*Singles Day Deep Sea Sunday the 30th of November
only a few spot still open.
All bookings and enquiries please give me a call
0418 169 439
Regards Scotty Lyons
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