Peter joins us again and scores a solid Trevally on first light.
Great weather but the wind and swell stop us again from heading off shore as it pounded the coast, Trevally Alley again provided lots of action with Tailor and Trevally, Lots of smaller fish in the mix and quite a few bite offs from the Tailor.
Trolling produced a few Tailor as well in Yarra Bay.
The water was quite dirty on the runout tide from all the dregging in the bay, the runin tide may be a better tide to fish.
*This Wednesday Singles day, I have four spots open Botany Bay trip.
*Wednesday the 15th Singles day, Snapper trip.
*Saturday the 18th open Botany Bay or Deep sea trips.
*Sunday the 19th Singles day deep sea trip, four spots open.
*Next fishing School August the 10th, Day on the water 16th.
All booking and details call Scotty 0418 169 439.
Regards Scotty Lyons