wide from Coggee on Saturday, one happy angler,
Winter time is Snapper time.
Another great weekend of weather out on the water flat seas and light winds this is by far the best time of the year to be on the water and the fishing can be pretty good as well.
Sunday we headed off shore for the day trolling the coast to start the day but very slow only one Bonito and the water along the coast in close had a milky green colour to it not good.
Sunday we headed off shore for the day trolling the coast to start the day but very slow only one Bonito and the water along the coast in close had a milky green colour to it not good.
Pushed wide from Coggee into 65metres and around the 40metre mark the water change to a bright blue colour and the fishing improved with a few Snapper one ripper, Flathead and a few other bottom dwellers.
Wide from the Bay in 50metres a Mako Shark turn up in our burley trail putting on a great display ripping into a fish frame we tie to a lenght of rope, photos to come, great way to end the day.
Sunday proved rather good in the Bay but we worked for our fish, Trevally at the Alley and Drums but small so watch the size, Trolling produce Salmon and Tailor along the third runway and we finished the day catching two small Flathead on plastics out form Kurnell.
*One spot on the 28th May for a Bay trip.
*One spot on the 5th of June for a Bay trip.
*Saturday the 11th of June Singles Day or group
booking Deep sea trip.
*Sunday the 12th of June Singles or group booking
Day on Bay trip.
*Singles Day Wednesday the 15th of June South coast deep
sea trip heading out from the
Port Hacking River.
Regards Scotty Lyons